Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Final blog posting

Please refer to RRHS website.  We have moved to for all of our websites.
I have moved all of the formats to Moodle 2.  Thanks for keeping up with us.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Classroom Move Coming for Law and Safety

I have been advised that our classroom is being moved.  We will be going to a portable and then next year should move into our new home in the new Academy Building in Fall 2014.  I will let you know when and where we land as soon as possible.  Also new websites are being created.  Not sure if I will keep the blog, maybe only if you guys tell me to keep it up.  Thanks for following and see you when we land in a new room.

RRHS Law and Safety

Friday, May 24, 2013

Finals Week May 28-31

Exams after the Monday Holiday:

Tues 3rd and 7th and full day.
Wed 1st and 5th out at 1:15p.  No lunch.
Thurs 2nd and 6th out at 1:15p. No lunch.
Friday 4th and 8th, out at 1:15p Seniors Picture at 1:30.  No lunch.

Students have to be in class to be counted present.

Please fill out the following link for any CTE class you are taking...

Thanks for a great year and have a safe summer.

PS. Nova Nights has a make up period from June 3-6, 9a-3p room 702 contact Mr Baiko if you need that.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Office Depot is offering fund raising for classes

Here is the link to donate to the classroom at RRHS.

<script type='text/javascript'>var _widget = _widget || [];_widget.push(['']);_widget.push(['']);_widget.push(['2']);(function() {var mw = document.createElement('script'); mw.type = 'text/javascript'; mw.async = true;mw.src = 'http://'+_widget[1]+'/js/setwidget.js';var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(mw, s);})();</script><div id='pwidget'></div>

Thanks for all that you do for the kids and I already.
Lynne Albright
Round Rock HS

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13-24 Working on Finals

All homework was due on May 10, 2013.

Intro was Stress Relief Methods.
Law One was World Cup Plan.
Law Two was Resumes.

This week we will be talking about Strategies and Planning.
We are using One Man Army and Youtube for making a plan
and sticking to it.  This is a major career goal for all students
to have and use successfully.

Senior Testing Dates are May 23, 24.

Finals are scheduled for May 28-31.
Please be sure to note that you do not have school on Monday May 27th.

Any questions, just ask.

Monday, April 29, 2013

April to May week

Here we are the big week before EOC and STARR testing.
Intro is working on learning about Security Jobs.
Law 1 is working on Patrol Techniques and Assignments
Law 2 is working on their Professional Resume's and Job Interviews.

Check in with us for more to come soon,,,4 weeks of school and 4 days of testing is it.