Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Monday, November 29, 2010

DIMM class on Nov30

We will be going to the lecture hall on this day to watch the presentation from the Art Institute that offers computer and drafting and business degrees for students.

Ask your student about it Tuesday Evening.....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Law Enforcement Classes

In Law Enforcement 1 we have been working on Child Abuse, Personal Health and Safety, and discussing the mental health issues that officers face.

In Principles of Law we have been working on our crime definitions and watched "Catch Me If You Can" while we were talking about Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.

Enjoy your break and come back safe.

Child Abuse Poster Contest will end on Dec 15th and winner gets a Subway card worth $15.
New home work is the Adopt a Family project, donate or bring in a donation for a family in RRISD.

DIMM classes pre-Thanksgiving

In DIMM we have been working with Photoshop and today we finished a project with Southpark characters.  We will be finishing up our pictures of creatures from combined photos.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break.................!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Update for Nov 9th and Classes

Just wanted to remind you all that we have permission slips that went out for the movies that we are planning to watch and also for the ROTC rifle range so be sure they are in before Thanksgiving break (they count for a grade).

LE 1 has done some handcuffing and fitness work and will move into Miranda and Searching issues.
LPSCS is completing the Kidnapping and Unlawful Restraint skits and will do the test.
DIMM is working on the Photoshop work sheets in Unit 2 on Image sizes and using the Brushes.

TSHIRTS ARE IN, $10 for all class members and $15 for others.

Hope you are keeping up with our classes and invite you to enjoy a great Thanksgiving break on Wed, Thurs, and Friday of Thanksgiving week.

Any questions, just ask.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LE 1 and LPSCS

We are working on self defense and handcuffing procedures for the Law Enforcement 1 class this week and next and discussing the safety issue that apply.

LPSCS will be working in groups on the Kidnapping and Unlawful Restraint packets.
Groups will do a definition and a worksheet and create a skit to explain it to the rest of the class.
Groups will present the definition skits on day two.  Stay tuned for up and coming plans for the classes.

Any questions....just ask.

DIMM for Photoshop

All DIMM students are working on layers and saving formats for Photoshop.  Each student was given a packet on the week of October 25th and should be right about on lesson 4 or 5 as of the first week of November.  We will be working on our projects and using the concepts of photography from Ms. Syler's program.