Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Finals Schedule

Please see the RRHS website for actual dates of the finals.
We have a full class day on the 13th and 14th but we will be out at 1:30 on Wed, Thurs, And Fri.

Be sure that your student signs in even if they exempted a class.

Thanks and have a safe Christmas and Holidays.

Permission Slip for LE Classes

I am putting a copy of the permission slip here for anyone who needes it.....

November 4, 2010
Dear Parents and Students!  Your student is enrolled in the Career Academy at Round Rock High School.  I am presenting classes in Law Enforcement for the 2010-2011 school year.  We have a lot planned for the classroom this year and please understand that it may include some photos or discussions that are very graphic about crime
We will be watching some movies that are rated R and PG-13 so as a rule within the RRHS and RRISD Regulations; I am requesting your permission to show these movies that are within the scope of what your student is working on in the classroom.  As of today, the list includes:
Police Related:
Training Day (Rated R for Violence and Nudity)    Catch Me If You Can (Rated Pg-13 for language)
Bad Boys 1 and 2 (Rated R for Violence and Nudity)
Corrections Related:
Shaw shank Redemption (Rated R for Violence and Male Nudity)
Court Related:
Pelican Brief (Rated PG-13 for Violence       
 I am requesting your permission for your student who is attending my classes in Law Enforcement and Corrections to view these films.  If you choose not to have your student watch these films or any one particular film that you object to, please list the name of the film below so that we can send that student to the Library for that period.
We are also working on getting permission to use the Air Soft Rifle Range at the ROTC Center in RRHS.
Your student will need to have this permission slip signed in both the Movie and the Rifle permission slip areas to do both so please be sure that you fill out the form and sign it for them as quickly as possible.  It is due by Nov.22nd.

Student Name ___________________________________________

Rifle Permission from Parent ________________________________

Movie Permission from Parent ______________________________
Parent Exception to Specific Movies ____________________________   Please list the name of movie.
Updates and Special Notes for classes will be made to:  (Homework warnings, Due dates, and Reading Lists)