Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

After Effects for DIMM and Probable Cause for LE

We are starting to work on After Effects after completing the Photoshop program and the ACC articulation log ins.  We will be working on creating videos and movies introductions first.

In LE classes we will be working on the Laws of Arrest, Probable Cause, and the Death Penalty  programs that we should conclude shortly.  After that we will be working on career field presentations in LE.

Any questions just ask.......

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week Ending February 18th

I will be out of class on a Field Trip the 17th and 18th.

Law Students are working on their finals in classroom on Prisons.

DIMM Students will be finishing up their Movie Posters and saving them in their H: Drives.

Please remember that February 21 is an A day and a makeup day for students from the snow.

The 18th is the end of the 4th Six Weeks so all work must be turned in by Friday to get credit.

Enjoy the warm weather.....and the sunshine.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Death Row and Death Penalty Issues

We will be covering alot of the issues that are actively going on in Prisons in Texas.
DIMM is finishing up Photoshop and needs to work on the film and video project.

We will work on finishing up the Green Mile movie, I know it is long but it is worth it.
If you have any questions, please ask.  Don't forget the homework for Prison Assignment.

Enjoy a wonderful Valentines.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Items for February 2011

We will be catching up from the Snow Storm and doing as much as we can to get there.
Law classes are working on the levels of Adult Prisons and will begin the Green Mile Movie.
Watch out for those "Stephen Kingisms" I am always talking about in this movie.  Be sure that
you get your homework assignment in on the "one thing" you can take with you to prison.
Also Law 1 needs to finish up the essays as soon as possible.

DIMM class is closing in on the conclusion of Photoshop and doing projects in the software.
After Effects will be next with Video implementation.

Hang in there Dragons, Spring Break will be here before you know it.