Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

DIMM classes for May

We are doing our final DIMM project.  All teams must have a script and a story board in by May 5th so that you can get out and do your video tapes so that you leave yourself time to edit them in Premiere.

The script and the story board are both graded so do not wait to get them in.

Week of May 2

We are finishing up the Backdraft movie, if you do not have the permission slip turned in yet, you must turn in a paragraph on what you know about fire fighters jobs.  You will have until the next movie to get it in before it gets too low on points to count.

We are moving on to Fire extinguisher equipment and discussions on Private Security.

Please remember the number one thing we learned about CPR, to get the person out of danger
first before you try to help them.

We have only four weeks left of school so we will be working on the Final Exam really soon.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TAKS Testing week of April 26-29th

All students are testing for TAKS this week and will be using our rooms.  Please check the list on the doors to the 300 and 100 buildings for where we are moved to.

Good Luck.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

RRHS visit to Travis County Courthouse

Field Trip for April 21st

Students took a great field trip to the Travis County Courthouse.

Attendance officer was out today so attendance for those students will be fixed next week.
Please give her time to get it in and fixed.

Kids learned all about courtrooms and lawyer work today and even spoke to the Judge.
I will post pictures if I can get them on here from my phone.

Thanks and have a great Easter Weekend.

See you on Monday the 25th.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Final week before TAKS

We are coming up on TAKS testing which will be April 26-29th.
A special schedule has been posted.
Monday the 25th is a B day regular and the following apply:
26th -testing 9-1, classes 1&2 1-4p
27th- testing 9-1, classes 3&4 1-4p
28th- testing 9-1, classes 5&6 1-4p
29th- testing 9-1, classes 7&8 1-4p

Law Classes-We are working on Pelican Brief the movie and doing an essay on what the main issue is about.
DIMM is finishing Premiere packets and getting ready to make the commercial.

Hang in there.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Updates

We are in April now with Juniors testing out of English 3 on Mon and Tues the 4th and 5th.

In DIMM Class we are finishing our Flintstones and will take an end of semester quiz on our
crossword puzzles in After Effects.  Next week is a new six weeks and we are moving on to
Premiere and Video work.

In LPSCS and LE 1, we are doing our lessons on Adult skills and Career selections with a final
on our ethics section.  LE 1 is finishing up crime scenes and picture books.

Our field trip is scheduled for April 21 to the Travis County Court House and we will be gone from
9-1:30p.  Be sure you have turned in a parental release for Seniors and LE 1 students.

One last six weeks is quickly coming so hold on tight and we will ride it out together.