Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Articulation of Classes for Law and DIMM

My DIMM courses are articulated through ACC and will receive 3 hrs college credit for Computer Design.
My Law classes are articulated through Blinn College and you will need to contact Blinn at:

I have forwarded this information to all Seniors that I have emails for and they should have the link.
If there is anything you need, just ask.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Seniors of 2011

Congratulations and I am wishing you the best in the future!

If you need anything, feel free to email, blog or stop by.....


Lynne Albright
RRHS Law and Safety Teacher

Monday, May 16, 2011

Community Service Program for Law and Safety

We are creating a new program and our first meeting will be on May 19th at Niki's Pizza across from the campus here at RRHS.  All are welcome and we will set a summer schedule for doing work in the Summer Months to help the Round Rock Community.  Please join us at 4:15pm on Thursday May 19th.

End of the Year

DIMM class is finishing class projects this week the 16-20 and will have finals on the last week of school.

LPSCS class will finish up review and Private Security and has opted to take the Sr Day Finals.

LE 1 has opted to take the Sr Day Finals and will have their exam on Friday the 20th.

We are closing up the course and doing final reviews so that exams will be completed and we
can enjoy our Journey into Summer.

Any questions, just ask.