Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Homework Assignments for 3rd Six Weeks

Here are the assignments for after 11-4-11:

LPSCS       Death Row Inmate Picture- Due 11-11-11
                   Teenager with Crime under 15- Due 11-28-11

Law 1         Requirements to run for Judge in Texas - Due 11-11-11
                   2 articles about drug related crimes (by someone on them or for them) Due 11-28-11

Law 2         Requirements for Forensic Scientist Certification- Due 11-11-11
                   Schools that offer the Forensic Science Degrees- Due 11-28-11

Any questions, please ask.
You can email the assignments in at any time but it must be in by the due date to keep it at 100.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Class updates for Law and Safety

All students should have completed homework as of Oct 28th with a crime article and fingerprints from LPSCS.  Law 1 has completed the statistics and the names of the judges.  Law 2 has completed the technology portion and is working on future issues of technology.

In class we have completed the Green Mile movie and the 48 hours presentation.
LPSCS will be moving on to LWOP and Juvenile issues as well as reviewing issues in Death Row cases.
Law 1 will be working on how the LE officer actually works the scene and documents all actions.
Law 2 will be completing work on Incident Command Structure and begin the design phase.

Any question, just ask.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Parental Apology

I apologize to students and parents on the fact that I did not pass out the grade sheets on Friday and then we had the PSAT on Wed so they will be going home today 2nd period.  I apologize and promise to work on getting this data to you as soon as I can.  If you have any questions feel free to email me at  or phone me before 9 at 464-6059 or after 4.  Thank you for your understanding in this issue.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Law 1 and Law 2 Classes

The Law 1 classes have been working on the definitions and elements of the Murder and Robbery Crimes.
Many of the works have been making notations or documenting what is happening or reporting.

Law 2 is working on the Incident Command Program and are creating a format for making it a presentation for the other classes and taking the lead in being the commanders for the actual Disaster Drill that will happen in April.  We will be having a realistic school bus and a student car collision and the students will working the event just as the real careers would.

Havve a great 3 days off.