Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Financial Studies

All of the Law and Safety Courses are doing Financial work in class this week.

Principles is doing the Personal Budget worksheet.
Law 1 and 2 will be doing the Departmental worksheets.

They are making decisions about money, spending, not spending, and what it will cost them to do both.

Any questions please ask.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb 17th I will be out of class

I will be at the Skills USA program in Waco on Friday.

Classes will be working on the Careercruising website.

Passwords:  RRHS

Students will have a form to fill out on Budgets and will take a career from the website and
try to match their perfect job with the budget they will have to spend.  Budgets are due on Tues.
See you on Monday.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Col Rodriguez Safety Visit for Students 2-10-12

A special thanks to Colonel Rodriguez Retired Army for coming to class to talk about Safety in Driving.  Also thanks for bringing along two incredible cars.  Great Job guys......

Monday, February 6, 2012

Classes for Law and Safety Feb 6th

LPSCS is working on Crime Scene Design and Evidence Collection.  After completing this section they will be watching the "Cleaner" about a Crime Scene Tech.  Students will be collecting fingerprints, hairs, and fibers while learning techniques of searching.

Law 1 will be working on the Definition and Jobs in the area of Morgues and Death Investigators.
We will be using "Dr G" as our guide from "How Stuff Works" and her own show "Dr G Medical Examiner".
They also will be working on how to collect footprints and impressions.

Law 2 is working on a radio call designation list and creating the Disaster Drill Protocals.

Just Ask if I missed anything....