Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Student's Work for 1st Six weeks

October 5 th Friday is the end of the first six weeks.  Be sure that your student has turned in all
assignments and especially the Parents Signature Letter or they will be doing extra book work
rather than learning from activities and films.  We are going quickly into the following areas:

Intro- Court Careers and Responsibilities
Law 1- Drug interactions and Arrest Procedures
Law 2- Narcotics Entry and Hazmat issues for arrests

Any question, please ask.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Law Academy Business Meeting

We are inviting local agencies and representatives to the Law Academy on Nov 20th at 9:30 am
for a short business meeting.  Any parents or folks that are involved in the community are welcome.
It will be in the classroom and it will be a time you can meet local business community leaders and workers who help shape the Academy and work with us to provide the best and most up to date Academy that is possible.  Feel free to come and visit with us and talk to the community.  We will be talking about the Academy and what we have planned for the future.  Any Questions let us know.

Room 943 at 9:30am,  we are on the corner of the Band building right across from the new 1100 building and Cafeteria.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Coming on Monday September 24-28

Intro Classes will be working on Careers in the Courtroom.
Law 1 will be working on Narcotics issues, and Ethics using Serpico as a visual plus the addition of national geographics studies videos on drug interactions.
Law 2 will be working on Ethics using Serpico and then on the Narcotics Raid issues and planning.

Kids will be active next week so any questions, please ask.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Career Cruising

We will all be working on Career Cruising this week.

Intro is researching careers in the fields of Law, Security, Corrections, and Fire

Law 1 is doing careers and Texas College programs that have the curriculum

Law 2 is doing what they are planning to be at, in, or doing in 2 years post graduation.

Any questions, just ask.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week for Sept 17

Intro is working on learning about 5th Amendment and Self Incrimination.  Law and Order episode had this one just right.
Law One is working on Miranda Rights and court cases that are related.
Law Two is working on Miranda Rights, Courts, and relationships of cases.

Any questions, please let me know.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Update for Sept 12

We are working on the following items in class:

Intro is working on Discussions about 4th Amendment (Search and Seizure)
Law One is working on Search and Seizure by Police and Security
Law Two is working on 5 places to search and 5 places you cannot as a team project, also had
time to work on SWAT team searching for Dallas.

Any questions just ask.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Open House September 10

Welcome to RRHS!

Intro is working on 9-11 issues and Career Danger in the Law and Safety fields.

Law One is working on the speed calculations with Distance and Time.

Law Two is working on the speed calculations with MPH versus FPS.

Any questions please ask.

Posters are up at Fire Department and should be up in Police Portable by tomorrow.
Thanks guys for the hard work.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bill of Rights Time

Intro Students are writing out the 1-10 Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights.  We are discussing them and practicing our essay answers.

Law 1 is discussing Bill of Rights and it's application in the field of Law.

Law 2 has been working on teams for SWAT training and did some handcuffing drills for a refresher.

We will be making 9-11-01 posters for local fire and police stations to be posted on Tues.