Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Students studying Corrections and Juvie Law

We are doing Shawshank Redemption in the Intro classes to learn about prison history and prison rights.
Law 1 is working on Juveniles and Interviews.
Law 2 is creating a crimescene for the Intro class just prior to Thanksgiving.

Any questions please ask.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 22-26

This is Homecoming week for the kids...

In the Intro class we just finished Trials and are moving on to Sentencing in Texas Law.

Law 1 is presenting their Warrant Packets (Search Warrant, Practice Warrant, Arrest Report,
and Essay on Testifying).  We are starting on Timelines of the Law Enforcement era.

Law 2 will be dicussing Mental Illnesses and how it applies to the police work.  Mental Health
units will be investigated.

Homecoming is Friday against Henderson and this is also Red Ribbon Week.
Any Questions, please ask.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Toy Story 3 and Testimony

The Intro and the Law 2 classes will be trying Lotso from the Toy Story 3 Movie in a mock trial for :
Child Abuse, Toy Abuse, and Cruelty to Animals.  Should be fun as they will be the actors in the movie

Law 1 is finishing their Arrest and Warrant Packets and will also be testifying next week as the Arresting Officer in the case.

If you need anything, please ask.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Special Announcement

The Career and Technology Department at Round Rock High School has won a grant for doing a 2012
Disaster Drill involving the students in all of the CTE classes here at Round Rock.  Way to go staff and
Dragons.......thanks to the Partners in Education Grant Committee of Round Rock ISD.

Week of Oct 9th

On Tues October 9th I will be out of class with a field trip.  Students will be working
on their financial sheets and budgets.

We will be coming up on Budgets and Career Opportunities in Intro.
Homework is to find out a Police Department by size and starting pay.

Warrant Packets and Practicums for Law 1.
Homework is to find the name of a Federal Judge to sign a search warrant.

Hazmat and hazardous people and arrests for Law 2.
Homework is Triad of Serial Killings document.

All Homework is due no later than Nov. 20.

Please let me know if you need any other information.