Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Finals Week Dec 17-20

Students will have finals all week so please be sure that if they are missing anything, this is their chance to make it up.  Please check home access and see what the kids have due or are behind in.  The teachers are here and we will help facilitate the makeups.

Thanks to all the parents who sent in treats and snacks, they are very much appreciated.

Have a great Xmas and break....
Be safe and we will see you on January 7th.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Conneticut and kids

Please talk to your children about conneticut. Tell them you love them and hold them tight. This kind of thing is never okay but it is real. We are all teachers and we will keep them safe. Thanks to all the ones who were safe that day and acted. We cannot protect them from hearing this stuff but we will move on.  Real evil is not taking action to stop bad things. We will not let this be okay.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Finals are next week

Today 12-12-12 is a WOW make up day...

All Gifts are due for the Adopt a Family.

Next week the exams are listed:

Mon 12-17
3rd and 7th

Tues 12-18
1st and 5th No lunch

Wed 12-19
2nd and 6th No lunch

Thurs 12-20
4th and 8th No lunch

No school on Friday.  Enjoy the holidays.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Law Academy Challenge Dec 8

Students from Cedar Ridge HS and RRHS both competed in a Target Competition on Saturday.
Kids had a blast and we took Overall Winner Joe Bridendolph 10th grader, 11th grade was Sky
Mc Williams, and 10th grader was James Pelath.  Cedar Ridge won the 12th and 9th but we did

an awesome job.  Thanks guys....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Adopt a Family for Xmas

We have taken on three families in the Adopt a Family for Xmas.
Please consider looking for these items as you are shopping:


Barbie Items
Barbie Playhouse
Multi-Player Games
Iron Man toys
Play Dough
Mermaid toys
Ipod headphones
Music cards
HEB cards
Any gas cards
Any family items for new apartments

Students can get volunteer hours or homework excuses, just let me know.