Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Disaster Drill Date is April 12

Friday April 12th, 2013 is the date.  Event should be during 2nd period that day.
More to come as we are getting there.

March is here in Law and Safety

We are currently working on Crime Scenes both Today and in the Past.

Intro to Law is finishing up "Cleaner" about a Crime Scene Cleanup Mystery and will be
doing crime scenes for most of next week.

Law One is taking the Historical look at Crime Scenes and Forensic Science over the
last ten years especially.  They are watching Season 2 and then Season 8 of CSI to
see what has changed.

Law Two is on track with their Non lethal weapon projects and will be doing Crisis
planning as we get ready for the Disaster Drill.

Any Questions please ask.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cancelled Trip to Dallas

I am sorry to tell you that the trip to Dallas for Saturday Feb 23 has been cancelled by the District.
I will be calling students who were planning on going.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

End of Six Weeks Number 4

As the end of the six weeks is Feb 15th, I wanted to let everyone know where we are at:

Intro to Law is doing "Training Day" to discuss Police Ethics and Financial Evidence
Law One is getting into NIMS for Disaster Drill Review and will move on to History
Law Two is creating a Resume from their Career packets.

Any questions, feel free to ask.