Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

College Powerpoint Project

Here is the Project:

College Presentation Project

You are to create a Powerpoint presentation providing the information below about a college. You will present this presentation in front of the class. In addition to the slide specifications below, the following elements are required:

• A school logo on all slides (12 pts)

• Appropriate images (at least 10) properly formatted (10 pts)

• Appropriate slide transitions on each slide (12 pts)

• Action buttons (forward and back) on each side (12 pts)

• Automatic animations (Please keep in mind that too many or poorly implemented animations can draw attention away from the topic. Credit for the animation will not be given if this is the case with your presentation.) (6 pts)

• Presentation style - you should know your subject, refer to the slides but not read everything on them, speak loudly enough for everyone to hear and act in a professional manner. (10 pts)

Suggested sites for information:,, school web sites

Slide 1: College Name and Seal (3 pts)

• Main address

Slide 2: Table of Contents (3 pts)

• Links to all pages

• Action buttons

Slide 3: Location (3 pts)

• City name

• State map showing location

• City population size

• Avg temperatures each season

Slide 4: Type of School (3 pts)

• Four year/ two year

• Public/ Private

• Coed?

• Degrees offered

Slide 5: Student Body (4 pts)

• Number of undergraduates

• Number of graduate students (if applicable)

• 2 graphs linked to data in Excel

o % of in-state vs. out-of-state students

o ethnic make-up broken down into percentages

Slide 6: Academic Departments (3 pts)

• List all

Slide 7: Costs (3 pts)

• In-state credit hour

• Out-of-state credit hour

Annual room and board expenses on campus

Slide 8: Financial Aid (4 pts)

• Pie graph indicating total students applying and % of those actually receiving aid

Slide 9: History (3 pts)

• Founding date

• Bullet list of at least 3 other facts about the history

Slide 10: Misc. (3 pts)

• School mascot

• School colors

• School song – lyrics or audio clip

Slide 11: Did You Know (3 pts)

• At least three interesting facts, traditions, etc.

Slide 12: For More Information (3 pts)

• School web address

• Admissions email address

Let me know if you have any issues.  We are not using the action buttons unless you want to.  We are using web links.

LPSCS and Law Enf I

We are working on the definitions and the TEKS.  We are grading ourselves on the TEKS to see where we are at now and it will help us get them all down and ready for the next steps.  Law Enf I please keep up with the readings we are going to work on the Essays at the end of the week. 

Any questions, just ask.

DIMM Class Heads up

In DIMM class we will be working on the Powerpoint projects for colleges that I am handing out on the 31st.  We will also discuss the rules of the classroom and get a copy of the technology handout for signatures.  You guys did great on the All about me's and some of them were awesome.  Keep up the good work.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Homework for LPSCS

Everyone did a great job on the homework and even the new students managed to pull it out.  Good job one and all.  LPSCS needs to be working on definitions like we discussed on the board, ie. felony, double jeopardy, due process.  We will be working more with that this week.

DIMM Students, we will begin working with Powerpoint and reviews of the Internet Policy for RRISD.  Any help that you need can be gotten at MS Office Help or email me at and we will make a plan to meet and work on it.  You may want to start looking at colleges as we will probably be using them for power point projects that are upcoming.

Enjoy your weekends and see you Monday or Tuesday....(A day Monday and B Day Tues)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

DIMM Alert

You guys have an assignment for the first two days.

All about Me............

This is a descriptive one page report, letter, review, or story about yourself.
You will have the first two days, B days in class, to work on this.  Just the heads up I like
to post for your viewing.  Hope your are enjoying being a Dragon at RRHS.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Great First Day at RRHS!

We have survived day one and we are moving along.  Join us for the ride.
Remember your homework assignment.

I have been assigned to work with the DIMM program on B days so keep your eyes open for those assignments to pop up here as well.  Enjoy your day as a Dragon at RRHS.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Letter to Students and Parents

August 24, 2010

Welcome Parents and Students! Your student has entered the Career Academy at Round Rock High School. We will be working on all kinds of programs this year and I am presenting classes in Law Enforcement and Business for the 2010-2011 school year. My goal is to find out what your student wants to learn and make it as interesting as possible while meeting what the State of Texas has set up as the Texas Education Knowledge Skills or (TEKS) for these courses. We have a lot planned for the classroom this year and please understand that it may include some photos or discussions that are very graphic about crime. We also are looking forward to seeing you when you come and visit for the Open House on September 13, 2010 at 6:30pm so please place it on your schedule today.

We will be reading a book each six weeks per student and I will have a selection of books that they must choose from or get prior approval before reading it for the assignment. I will have some copies in my room and some in the library for check out. Each student will be writing a one page essay on the book for a class grade. If your student likes to read a specific genre of books, please have them let me know so we can find one in that area. They will have some homework and I will post a blog prior to giving the students the assignment so you can keep track of what is due but the majority of the class work will be in the classroom or on the campus grounds.

All students will need to bring:

A binder or Journal or Spiral notebook or folder to keep notes together in one place

Pencils and Pens as needed and a Highlighter, color of your choice

Teacher Schedule:

Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm Classroom (or on) Duty, call for conference times 464-6251

Wednesday 4pm to 6pm Tutoring and or class help

Updates and Special Notes for classes will be made to: (Homework warnings, Due dates, and Reading Lists)

Classroom Rules:

Students will not- bully, harass, chew gum, usage of a phone, curse, or IPod during class. Students will follow the RRISD and RRHS Rules of Conduct in addition to classroom rules. Students will be reminded once during class time for violations unless it is a criminal offense. Students will be conference with for a second occurrence. Referrals and Administrative action will be taken if a third occurrence happens.

Grading: Reading Essays 5% each six weeks (4), total 20% Homework 5% each (6), total 30% Test at end of Unit 5% (6), total 30% Final DEC/ MAY, 10% (2), total of 20%

Any questions? Please ask. We look forward to a great 2010-2011 Year for RRHS.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day One Headsup

Welcome one and all to the blog.....

Principles of LPSCS--Alert- you will need to have one picture of a safety sign by class two.  Cut it out, take it yourself, or bring me a copy of one (just don't steal one).

Law Enforcement I--Alert- you will need to pick a book to have ready for class two, need to have one picked by that time please.

Approved Reading List:
Stephen Coonts, Joseph Wambaugh, David Balducci, Scott Turow, John Grisham and Tom Clancy.
Others will be added as they get approved.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Welcome to the Blog

My name is Lynne Albright.
I am a retired Dallas Police Offier and a new teacher at Round Rock High School.
I have been with RRISD for three years but this is my first year at RRHS.
I look forward to working with your student.
I am teaching Law Enforcement and Business classes.

I will post any work or news from the class here for you to see.
Let's get started.