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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

College Powerpoint Project

Here is the Project:

College Presentation Project

You are to create a Powerpoint presentation providing the information below about a college. You will present this presentation in front of the class. In addition to the slide specifications below, the following elements are required:

• A school logo on all slides (12 pts)

• Appropriate images (at least 10) properly formatted (10 pts)

• Appropriate slide transitions on each slide (12 pts)

• Action buttons (forward and back) on each side (12 pts)

• Automatic animations (Please keep in mind that too many or poorly implemented animations can draw attention away from the topic. Credit for the animation will not be given if this is the case with your presentation.) (6 pts)

• Presentation style - you should know your subject, refer to the slides but not read everything on them, speak loudly enough for everyone to hear and act in a professional manner. (10 pts)

Suggested sites for information:,, school web sites

Slide 1: College Name and Seal (3 pts)

• Main address

Slide 2: Table of Contents (3 pts)

• Links to all pages

• Action buttons

Slide 3: Location (3 pts)

• City name

• State map showing location

• City population size

• Avg temperatures each season

Slide 4: Type of School (3 pts)

• Four year/ two year

• Public/ Private

• Coed?

• Degrees offered

Slide 5: Student Body (4 pts)

• Number of undergraduates

• Number of graduate students (if applicable)

• 2 graphs linked to data in Excel

o % of in-state vs. out-of-state students

o ethnic make-up broken down into percentages

Slide 6: Academic Departments (3 pts)

• List all

Slide 7: Costs (3 pts)

• In-state credit hour

• Out-of-state credit hour

Annual room and board expenses on campus

Slide 8: Financial Aid (4 pts)

• Pie graph indicating total students applying and % of those actually receiving aid

Slide 9: History (3 pts)

• Founding date

• Bullet list of at least 3 other facts about the history

Slide 10: Misc. (3 pts)

• School mascot

• School colors

• School song – lyrics or audio clip

Slide 11: Did You Know (3 pts)

• At least three interesting facts, traditions, etc.

Slide 12: For More Information (3 pts)

• School web address

• Admissions email address

Let me know if you have any issues.  We are not using the action buttons unless you want to.  We are using web links.

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