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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Essay Prompts for Law Enforcement I

Here are the rules and ideas to go by for writing the essays:

Essay Prompts:

Tell me about the Law Enforcement, Criminal Court, or Security and Corrections activities in the book.

Let me know what you think was real life in the book or what was legally done by the services in the book.

Is there something they did that does not sound true or cannot be done in real detective or correctional settings?

Was there a point in the book that anyone had their rights read to them and was it correct?

Was there a point that someone should have had their rights read and did not?

How up to date was the book as far as technology with DNA and other advances?

Why was this the book you chose for the essay and how did it relate to the course?

Would you recommend that other students in the class read the same book?


These are just ideas to get you started. If you already have one, go with it.

Essays should be one page long and double spaced. You choose the font, size 12.

It should be Free of errors in spelling and can be submitted by email or on paper.

The page should include on the last line, “References: Author, year, book title.”

If you go over the one page that is fine but it must have at least two paragraphs and at least 12 sentences. Please include your name somewhere on the page and period #.

These essays are due by September 30th at the latest by 5pm.

This grade is worth 5 points, 1 for spelling and format, 2 for quality writing, and 2 for original thoughts.

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