Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thursday Sept 23rd

I have to be at ACC this day for articulation meeting. 

DIMM will keep working on the Career Projects Part 1 where you do the assessment
and then take the top 5 careers and post them on the page.  Next you pick three of those
top 5 and write a page each on those careers, what is it requiring and am I going to the right
college, etc.  Part 2 is beginning to do Online Job Searches.  You may use;; careerbuilder; or any others.  Cut and paste any two jobs available for
those jobs.  Try to find one in Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas areas.  I should be back on Monday.

LPSCS will be doing videos on Thurs and be sure that you write down 3 items you see or
that you disagree with in the videos.  Be sure and list the video on the page for me.

Be sure that you have your Homework ready for Thurs and Friday 23/24 as it will
be due.  Fingerprints or mug shot card or copy from Internet.

See you on Friday and Monday.

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