Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DIMM class and LE Courses

DIMM class had to create an item of their choice.  Some really great action commercials on building cars, sandwiches, rock bands, and bikes.  Great job on that.  We will be doing the introduction to the Movie after Spring Break.

LE Classes- we are finishing up our movies and will work on advanced arrest techniques and how to determine probable cause at different levels of conversations with a suspect that will include interviews.
Please be sure your homework project is turned in on Weds for full credit.

Our next course after Spring Break will be to do career based projects that will look at what you want to do in the future and how to go about getting there.  LE 1 class is creating a new crime scene we will do for the LPSCS classes in April. 

Any questions just ask.

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