Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Upcoming Classes

In the Intro program we are working on Digital Fingerprints and the Laws about the technology.
Law 1 and 2 are working on Styles of Communications and how Culture can change what communication looks like.

Criminal Minds has an episode on Internet Stalking that is being viewed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Study in Class

Currently the Intro class is looking at how laws are written and why they make it or do not.  They are divided into groups and have to vote on laws that are proposed to others.

Law 1 will be working on rules and regulations and how they apply to Ethical Situations.

Law 2 will be working on Communication and Emotional Readings with communication.

We have been watching the video being proposed for the 8th grade counselors from last years Disaster Drill.

Any questions just ask.

Friday, August 24, 2012


BYOD is being applied this year.  What that means is that you can use your laptop, computer, iphone, android, or ipad when the teachers says it is okay.  You have to have your own data plan but if you do not the school will be giving passwords to the wifi here at school.  The number of passwords will be limited but we are moving into the technology age this year.  You may use your phone during the 1100 building lunch periods but please be respectful of the fact your friends may be in class and cannot answer.  You need to know that if you log on to the wifi with your device it will be open to the district restrictions and software blocks.

I am Dragon- is the Anti Bullying program that RRHS is using this year.  There will be a private texting and calling center for confidential reporting of bullying incidents without giving a name or number.

Any Questions just ask...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fish Camp is Today and Tomorrow

Please be sure that you come and get your ID and your books so you don't have to stand in line
on the first day back.  Check out the rules for BYOD- Bring your own Device rule for this year.

Any questions please ask.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Parent Letter-Homework 1

Here is the first Homework Assignment that is Due on Sept. 4th:

Welcome Parents and Students!  Your student has entered the Professional Studies Career Academy at Round Rock High School.  We will be working on all kinds of programs this year and I am presenting classes in Law and Safety for the 2012-2013 school year.  My goal is to find out what your student wants to learn and make it as interesting as possible while meeting what the State of Texas has set up as the Texas Education Knowledge Skills or (TEKS) for these courses. 
We will be reviewing very graphic novels and videos as well as attending the rifle range over the course of the year pertaining to the subjects we are studying.  Please be sure to sign for any student below who is not 18 or over at this time as required by RRISD policy.  I will post on the blog what videos we are using if you would like to keep track and their relationship to the course of study. They will have some homework and I will post a blog prior to giving the students the assignment so you can keep track of what is due but the majority of the class work will be in the classroom or on the campus grounds.
All students will need to bring:
A binder or Journal or Spiral notebook or folder to keep notes together in one place; Pencils and Pens as needed.
Teacher Schedule:
Monday to Friday            9am to 4pm        Classroom (or on) Duty, call for conference times  
Wednesday                        4pm to 6pm        Tutoring and or by appt.
Updates and Special Notes for classes will be made to:  (Homework warnings, Due dates, and Reading Lists)
Classroom Rules:
Students will not:  bully, harass, chew gum, usage of a phone, curse, or IPod during class.  Students will follow the RRISD and RRHS Rules of Conduct in addition to classroom rules.  Students will be reminded once during class time for violations unless it is a criminal offense.  Students agree to follow the Texas Penal Code and Laws of Texas or face removal from Courses.
Grading:  Homework, Essays, Practicum, Quizzes, and Exams will be posted in the grade book online at the beginning of the Six weeks.  There will be two assignments for each area, during each six weeks.
 See Blog for details about the class activities and upcoming events created for all Law classes.
Any questions?  Please ask.  We look forward to a great 2012-2013 Year for RRHS.

Parent Name  ________________________   Signature _____________________________

Student Name _______________________    Circle this statement if you are 18 or over.

RETURN TO TEACHER SIGNED BY Sept. 4, 2012 for grading as the first Homework Assignment in all courses.