Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Friday, August 24, 2012


BYOD is being applied this year.  What that means is that you can use your laptop, computer, iphone, android, or ipad when the teachers says it is okay.  You have to have your own data plan but if you do not the school will be giving passwords to the wifi here at school.  The number of passwords will be limited but we are moving into the technology age this year.  You may use your phone during the 1100 building lunch periods but please be respectful of the fact your friends may be in class and cannot answer.  You need to know that if you log on to the wifi with your device it will be open to the district restrictions and software blocks.

I am Dragon- is the Anti Bullying program that RRHS is using this year.  There will be a private texting and calling center for confidential reporting of bullying incidents without giving a name or number.

Any Questions just ask...

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