Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Law Classes at RRHS

The Intro Class has just completed the Constitutional Issues with Minority Report the Movie.
We have moved on into the Fire Safety Section.  We did a scavenger hunt for the Fire Ext.
throughout the campus and the students enjoyed finding the missing ones that I had in the classroom.
We will continue in the Fire Section and include the movie Back Draft for learning the technology
and science behind fires.

The Law One class has just completed the Jurisdictional Issues in the movie, Law Abiding Citizen.
They will be moving into NIMS identification and training for the Disaster Drill.

The Law Two class has done a walk through of the Disaster Drill with discussions on each commanders
assignment and responsibilities.  The action portion was mapped out and the designers were able to
tweak any changes they needed.  Law Two is also working on a Career Portfolio packet that they
can keep and show to local employers.

Any questions feel free to ask.

February 23, Saturday is our trip to Dallas.  Please be sure you get the signed papers turned in.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

High School of the week on KEYE TV

Check us out on Ch5 News KEYE, we were on the morning program with Fred Cantu.
It was 5am so please be kind, kids were awesome as usual.  Great Job!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Week of Jan 7th

Classes resume on Monday Jan 7 as an A day.

Homework Assignments are up:

HW 1 is to Name 3 types of communication methods.  Due Jan 18
HW 2 is to Name 3 types of evidence collected at Crime Scenes.  Due Feb 8

Law 1-
HW 1 is to Define (write out) 2 types of Non-verbal communication. Due Jan 18
HW 2 is to Name 5 sections of the NIMS Designs.  Due Feb 8

Law 2-
HW 1 is to Name 2 tools for Crowd Control.  Due Jan 18
HW 2 is to Explain (give examples) of why the Fire Dept would take control in a NIMS Program.  Due Feb 8

Any questions, please ask.

Intro class will be starting to discuss penalties or punishments of crime and watching the Experiment.
Law 1 will be working on verbal and non-verbal communications using Flashpoint.
Law 2 will be working on Crowd Control Formats and techniques using Youtube and

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Next Class Day January 7, 2013

Welcome back... School picks back up on Monday January 7, 2013 as an A day.

We will be picking back up in the classes and working through the requirements.

Intro to Law is working on Speech and Comprehension.

Law 1 is working on Speech and Presentation and Comprehension.

Law 2 will be working with Radio Communications and Language Recognition.

Any questions, please ask.