Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Friday, January 4, 2013

Week of Jan 7th

Classes resume on Monday Jan 7 as an A day.

Homework Assignments are up:

HW 1 is to Name 3 types of communication methods.  Due Jan 18
HW 2 is to Name 3 types of evidence collected at Crime Scenes.  Due Feb 8

Law 1-
HW 1 is to Define (write out) 2 types of Non-verbal communication. Due Jan 18
HW 2 is to Name 5 sections of the NIMS Designs.  Due Feb 8

Law 2-
HW 1 is to Name 2 tools for Crowd Control.  Due Jan 18
HW 2 is to Explain (give examples) of why the Fire Dept would take control in a NIMS Program.  Due Feb 8

Any questions, please ask.

Intro class will be starting to discuss penalties or punishments of crime and watching the Experiment.
Law 1 will be working on verbal and non-verbal communications using Flashpoint.
Law 2 will be working on Crowd Control Formats and techniques using Youtube and

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