Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Monday, September 27, 2010

DIMM Project Plans for this week

If you are in the DIMM class, the project is due by Weds at the end of class or during WOW if I gave you a pass.  You should have the top 5 from the MAPP Assessment and pick 3 to tell me a page each about why it fits or does not fit you.  Web search the job sites (Monster, Careerbuilder, or Hotjobs) to get three jobs that are posted in the San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, or Houston areas.  Copy and paste them to the project and print it.

We are working towards doing career applications to finish out the week.

Remember it is a WOW Weds, Late Start on Thurs, and Pep Rally on Fri.
Hang in there.

Friday, September 24, 2010

End of Six Weeks

We are coming up on the Final exam for the end of the six weeks.
Testing will be the 29th and 30th.
Test will be on Bill of Rights and Definitions from Penal Code.

As we come upon the second six weeks we will begin working on
our crime scene search procedures and paperwork for LPSCS and LE 1.

DIMM class will continue on the Career projects seeking want ads on the
internet and posting them into our projects.

Have a great weekend and don't forget the carnival is this Saturday.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thursday Sept 23rd

I have to be at ACC this day for articulation meeting. 

DIMM will keep working on the Career Projects Part 1 where you do the assessment
and then take the top 5 careers and post them on the page.  Next you pick three of those
top 5 and write a page each on those careers, what is it requiring and am I going to the right
college, etc.  Part 2 is beginning to do Online Job Searches.  You may use;; careerbuilder; or any others.  Cut and paste any two jobs available for
those jobs.  Try to find one in Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas areas.  I should be back on Monday.

LPSCS will be doing videos on Thurs and be sure that you write down 3 items you see or
that you disagree with in the videos.  Be sure and list the video on the page for me.

Be sure that you have your Homework ready for Thurs and Friday 23/24 as it will
be due.  Fingerprints or mug shot card or copy from Internet.

See you on Friday and Monday.

Friday, September 17, 2010

DIMM Class Career Project

We are beginning a new lesson in DIMM.
We will be working on the creation of a Career Investigation Plan that will include:
Job Interviews
Job searches
and much more.....

Stay tuned as we move along.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Upcoming work in Classrooms for Albright @ RRHS

We are moving along and almost done in DIMM with our presenations.
We are preparing to move into career searches and applications practicals.

In LPSCS and Law Enf I we will be working on the penal code definitions, report
writing, and basics of crime scene searches.

Any questions or comments are welcome.
You can also email me at
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Update on presentations

LPSCS and LE I are presenting their departments in their groups this week and they look awesome.
I made room for them on the back wall so check them out when you have time.

DIMM class is also doing their college presentations.  We are using the first page of the project to create a collage for the classroom in room 208 for 5th period.

Hope you have a safe and happy week and look forward to next week.  We will be working on our t-shirt contest and the beginning of crime scene work.

Go Dragons.

Friday, September 10, 2010

DIMM class updates for week of Sept 13

Open house is scheduled for Monday evening.  Tell your folks or family about it.
We will be doing our college presenations, turning in our copyright pages.
Please review the handouts for a quick quiz on copyrights.
Any questions, just ask.

Homework Reminder and Lessons Planned for Sept 13 week

We are looking at picking back up on the Design of Corrections, Police, and Security Organizations.

We will be building our own agencies during this week.

Homework is due on Mon or Tues (Monday is a B day and Tues is an A day).
Open House is on Monday beginning about 6pm.
Any questions, just ask.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Homework Alert

New Homework assignment is due on Sept 13 or 14th depending on your A or B day schedule.

You may create a front design for the t-shirt or bring in a newspaper, magazine, or internet story.

See Classroom for details.

We will vote on them when we get it down to 4.

Dragons Rock.....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Essay Prompts for Law Enforcement I

Here are the rules and ideas to go by for writing the essays:

Essay Prompts:

Tell me about the Law Enforcement, Criminal Court, or Security and Corrections activities in the book.

Let me know what you think was real life in the book or what was legally done by the services in the book.

Is there something they did that does not sound true or cannot be done in real detective or correctional settings?

Was there a point in the book that anyone had their rights read to them and was it correct?

Was there a point that someone should have had their rights read and did not?

How up to date was the book as far as technology with DNA and other advances?

Why was this the book you chose for the essay and how did it relate to the course?

Would you recommend that other students in the class read the same book?


These are just ideas to get you started. If you already have one, go with it.

Essays should be one page long and double spaced. You choose the font, size 12.

It should be Free of errors in spelling and can be submitted by email or on paper.

The page should include on the last line, “References: Author, year, book title.”

If you go over the one page that is fine but it must have at least two paragraphs and at least 12 sentences. Please include your name somewhere on the page and period #.

These essays are due by September 30th at the latest by 5pm.

This grade is worth 5 points, 1 for spelling and format, 2 for quality writing, and 2 for original thoughts.