Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Projects for Law Classes 3rd Six Weeks

LPSCS is doing the Death Row Inmate search with a job chosen from the courtroom such as lawyer, judge, bailiff, etc.  They must find the job requirements and then tie them into the court case from that inmate.  If they take the inmates name and add Texas to a search there are hundreds of articles on the death row inmates including what the lawyer and all the other in the court room did.  They must make a poster or powerpoint project to turn in by Nov 16.

Law 1 will be working on a project about accident reconstruction.  They will be drawing or making video
about the reconstruction and setting out the laws and documents needed.

Law 2 is researching the requirments of the Forensic Scientist to get their certifications and their
duties within the labs as a presentation.

Any Questions just ask.

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