Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Review of Grade changing

Sorry guys, videos would not load.

However; with all the changes in the school, I wanted to be sure that everyone knows that
the grading is being done on 0-100 scale.  Homework that is late is 10 points off for each late
class date up to a 70.  All exams can be restested to 70 within 7 days of the exam.  All work
in the class is 10% for each assignment and if the assignment cannot be done outside of class
or repeated on another day, the student is being excused from the assignment so it does not
count against them.  I am posting homework at the beginning of every six weeks for each class.

If this raises any questions feel free to email me at with your
questions or views.  Thanks for sharing your kids with me everyday.

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