Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 16 and Thanksgiving week

I will be out of class on Nov 16 Friday and students will be on with the sub.
I will be at the Career Fair for 9th Graders at Round Rock Higher Education Center.

Monday and Tuesday are the only days of school next week.

Intro has JLWOP Essay, Careercruising research sheets, and Fire Dept Homework due.
Law 1 has 3 Cues from "Lie to Me" that is overdue, Careercruising sheets, and Mugshots due.
Law 2 has 5 steps for planning crisis mgmt overdue, Careercruising sheets, and BTK true name due.

If you have any questions, please ask or shoot me an email at:

Students are allowed to submit homework or essays thru email as well.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

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