Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week of Nov 26-30 for Law Classes

We are talking about and watching the Locked Up videos in Intro class.
Each class has gotten to try the Correction Cell removal in a safe place.

Law 1 and Law 2 are working on assignments for the disaster drill and doing
walk through discussions and project plans.

I will be out on Nov 30 as I am Guest Lecturing at Texas Lutheran College.

Students on Friday will be doing a movie, "Green Mile" and the Law 1
class will have a worksheet of definitions to complete.

Any questions please ask.

Alot of the kids are behind in work so if you see a 0 in a location for a grade,
that means I have posted an "M" for missing.  If the 0 is there the work is overdue.
I know that the parents cannot see the M so I wanted to explain what the process is.

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