Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Xmas Break for Law Students

Kids are on a school break until the third of Jan they come back that Tuesday.

When we get back we will start Evidence Collections in Intro LPSCS and CSI
discussions and work.  Also be looking at different careers in Forensics work.

Law 1 will be working on Observations skills, Documentation, and Filing Writs and Warrants.

Law 2 will be working on Radio work and Call signs and then into the Negotiations skills work.

Hope everyone had a great break and we did a wonderful job on Adopt a Family with three
familes getting over 40 gifts and lots of gift cards, thanks guys.  We also did 20 boxes and bags
for the kids at the Foster Home of Texas Baptist Children's Home.  Way to go kids.....

Any questions please ask.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Xmas Family is up on the board

Our adopt a family is up on the board and we are also adopting some teens so feel free to bring anything teen appropriate.  I am offering a free homework pass, 5 point on final exam, or volunteer hours (unlimited hours) that we will work out.

We are coming up on Finals week.  Our RRGB club will be meeting on Wed and Thurs after exams to wrap the presents.

We are ahead of schedule so hang in there and we can have some fun adding to what we already know.

Any questions just ask.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

LPSCS updates

Intro classes are watching Shawshank Redemption in the class, will go 2-3 class periods so we will finish next week.  Please be watching for the relationships that happen and the double meanings of the things that happen.

Law 1 and 2 will be working on officer and traffic safety.

Any questions just ask.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Review of Grade changing

Sorry guys, videos would not load.

However; with all the changes in the school, I wanted to be sure that everyone knows that
the grading is being done on 0-100 scale.  Homework that is late is 10 points off for each late
class date up to a 70.  All exams can be restested to 70 within 7 days of the exam.  All work
in the class is 10% for each assignment and if the assignment cannot be done outside of class
or repeated on another day, the student is being excused from the assignment so it does not
count against them.  I am posting homework at the beginning of every six weeks for each class.

If this raises any questions feel free to email me at with your
questions or views.  Thanks for sharing your kids with me everyday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cell extractions by classes

LPSCS classes have been able to experience cell extraction techniques using the safety equipment
shield and helmets.  I will try and attach some of the videos here......


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

RRGB from Modern Woodsmen of America

The volunteer student program is working on volunteering at the Round Rock Serving Center on the 12th and the 19th Saturdays from 11-2p.  Feel free to join us.

We will also be doing Xmas baskets for families so stay tuned for those announcements.

Have a great day.....

New for 3rd Six Weeks

LPSCS is working on Corrections and just finished watching the "Scared Straight" video.
We will be working on correctional issues and finishing up our projects which are due the 16th.

Law 1 is finishing up the Drugs introductions and their issues related to Crime and Law Enforcement.

Law 2 is working on a presentation on Forensic Science and Education.
Law 2 will also be setting up a language bank for the Disaster Drill and testing the radio equipment
that we will be using on campus.

Any questions, please ask.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Projects for Law Classes 3rd Six Weeks

LPSCS is doing the Death Row Inmate search with a job chosen from the courtroom such as lawyer, judge, bailiff, etc.  They must find the job requirements and then tie them into the court case from that inmate.  If they take the inmates name and add Texas to a search there are hundreds of articles on the death row inmates including what the lawyer and all the other in the court room did.  They must make a poster or powerpoint project to turn in by Nov 16.

Law 1 will be working on a project about accident reconstruction.  They will be drawing or making video
about the reconstruction and setting out the laws and documents needed.

Law 2 is researching the requirments of the Forensic Scientist to get their certifications and their
duties within the labs as a presentation.

Any Questions just ask.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Homework Assignments for 3rd Six Weeks

Here are the assignments for after 11-4-11:

LPSCS       Death Row Inmate Picture- Due 11-11-11
                   Teenager with Crime under 15- Due 11-28-11

Law 1         Requirements to run for Judge in Texas - Due 11-11-11
                   2 articles about drug related crimes (by someone on them or for them) Due 11-28-11

Law 2         Requirements for Forensic Scientist Certification- Due 11-11-11
                   Schools that offer the Forensic Science Degrees- Due 11-28-11

Any questions, please ask.
You can email the assignments in at any time but it must be in by the due date to keep it at 100.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Class updates for Law and Safety

All students should have completed homework as of Oct 28th with a crime article and fingerprints from LPSCS.  Law 1 has completed the statistics and the names of the judges.  Law 2 has completed the technology portion and is working on future issues of technology.

In class we have completed the Green Mile movie and the 48 hours presentation.
LPSCS will be moving on to LWOP and Juvenile issues as well as reviewing issues in Death Row cases.
Law 1 will be working on how the LE officer actually works the scene and documents all actions.
Law 2 will be completing work on Incident Command Structure and begin the design phase.

Any question, just ask.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Parental Apology

I apologize to students and parents on the fact that I did not pass out the grade sheets on Friday and then we had the PSAT on Wed so they will be going home today 2nd period.  I apologize and promise to work on getting this data to you as soon as I can.  If you have any questions feel free to email me at  or phone me before 9 at 464-6059 or after 4.  Thank you for your understanding in this issue.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Law 1 and Law 2 Classes

The Law 1 classes have been working on the definitions and elements of the Murder and Robbery Crimes.
Many of the works have been making notations or documenting what is happening or reporting.

Law 2 is working on the Incident Command Program and are creating a format for making it a presentation for the other classes and taking the lead in being the commanders for the actual Disaster Drill that will happen in April.  We will be having a realistic school bus and a student car collision and the students will working the event just as the real careers would.

Havve a great 3 days off.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Homewokd Assignments for Second Six Weeks

LPSCS (Intro) Oct 11 News or Internet article on crime, Oct 28 Finger Print of a Family member.

Law 1    Oct 11 Crime Statistics for your neighborhood,  Oct 28 Names of two Judges in Texas

Law 2    Oct 11 A new Technology Idea,   Oct 28 New Technology Design

Any questions, just ask.

End of Six Weeks is Sept 29th

We are coming up on the end of the six weeks for the first semester.  I have many students that have not done the Career Cruising.  Please use the following link to access that:      Login:  rrhs , roundrock      Second Login: ROCK-student ID#, Birthdate

Remember you just have to click on a job, click on education and write down for three of them what the college requirment if any is needed.  Turn it in by the 29th and I will have time to get it into the gradebook.

We just finished watching the Gridiron Gang Movie and will be moving on to the learning of charges or penal code levels.  Feel free to send any questions or answer here or to my email at :   

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Home work is due 9-15 Thursday

Intro class should be doing at least 5 laws they write on their own.

Law 1 class is doing jobs on Law and Order SVU with a description.

Law 2 is doing a blood spatter formula.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Right now we are only doing
TV programs with PG ratings.  We will be doing movies fairly soon as they
fall into the curriculum.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Movies to be used in classroom for Law and Safety

I have had a few questions about the movies that I use and will list some of them here.

Green Mile, Scared Straight, Shawshank Redemption, Pelican Brief
Bad Boys 1&2, National Security, and The Town

I also use the TV programs from Gangland, Law and Order SVU, Locked up,
and many History Channel programs.

Any questions, please ask by email or at 464-6160 is my direct phone in my office.

Current works in classroom for Albright

Currently the Intro to Law or Principles classes are working on laws and levels and will be doing a class project on Felony and Misdemeanors.  Law one is currently still on search and seizure and Law two is doing a presentation to the Law one class on Psychological Science and Sociopaths.

Any questions just ask.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Students Signature page due

It is
SEPT 1st. All signature pages are due.  We cannot do movies until I have them for each class.
Please try and get them in or copy one from this blog and email it.  Thanks.

We will start with basic videos in LPSCS such as CSI and Law and Order.
Law 1 will start with A/E videos on search and seizure.
Law 2 is working on pschy-science and Criminal Minds.

Have a question, please ask.  My office phone is new and is 464-6160.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sept 1st is a late start

We are jumping into the 2011-12 year and Sept 1st is the first late start date.

We are waiting for all permission slips to be turned in to Instructor before we go to movies.

Second homework is already out, Minimum 5 laws of your students land, they make them up and they can call it whatever land they want as long as it is clean.  More than 5 will lead you to a hundred or 4 on this assignment. 

Posting again soon.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Law Two class Grading

Here is the Grading for Law 2:

Gradesheets for Law 2
0- Even with Aid cannnot comprehend, not trying1- With Aid can achieve 2-32- With occassional Aid can be 33-Comprehends subject matter4-Can use subject in other contexts
Academics- Writing-Communication- Gestures 0-1 Ex: Cannot do reports or follow1-1.99 Ex: Can do report but unsure how2-2.99 Ex: Can do report but not 3-3.99 Ex: Can do report and read4-Ex: Can do work and show others
others apply knowledge of what it says.explain without aid.gestures of others as required.what they have done with explanation.
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic1-1.99 Ex: Can get communication2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss issues on topic3-3.99 Ex: Can problem solve using tools 4-Ex: Can explain solutions and project
exercises and projects.but does not apply topic work.but cannot problem solve.within topic area and projects.goals and topics beyond required.
Telecommunication 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can use communication but2-2.99 Ex: Can use communication with3-3.99 Ex: Can properly use telecomm.4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.does not use processes or topic work.aid and a project or area in topic.topic program and discuss.
Court Testimony and Procedures 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can do testimony process but is3-3.99 Ex: Can do testimony and do4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.missing procedures or effort.a completed assignment without aid.topic program and discuss.
Crisis Management 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Comprehends the crisis but needs3-3.99 Ex: Completed assignment and4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.assistance to complete to work with others on goals.topic program and discuss.
Public Cooperation 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Comprehends the issues and can work3-3.99 Ex: Completed assignment with4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.out one or two issues with for team/project workers.topic program and discuss.
Domestic Violence 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can understand process on2-2.99 Ex: Recognition of DV and has the basics of3-3.99 Ex: Completed assignment with4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.topic but lacks implications with aid.ability to explain actions.topic program and discuss.
Warrants and Summons 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Recognizes that the laws apply3-3.99 Ex: Can explain or show the 4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or warrants/summons but not process.process of successful forms or data.topic program and discuss.
TABC 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can understand process on2-2.99 Ex: Recognizes laws and regulatory3-3.99 Ex: Can explain laws and actions4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.topic but lacks comprehension.agencies but not apply well as regulatory issues.topic program and discuss.
DWI 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can talk about laws and results3-3.99 Ex: Can explain DWI issues and4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.but may not comprehend related issues.regulatory issues in assignment.topic program and discuss.
Crowd Management 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss issues in Mgmt and3-3.99 Ex: Can explain issues in Mgmt4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.issues in mass movement with well as apply to course activity.topic program and discuss.
Use of Force 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can describe 5-6 activities3-3.99 Ex: Can describe Use of Force4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.related to the Use of Force with well as complete continuim project.topic program and discuss.
Custody Tranports 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss issues in custody and3-3.99 Ex: Can describe and discuss4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.transports with aid but not alone.isses related.topic program and discuss.
Interview and Interrogate 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see interview or Int. but2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss issues on Int. and Interviews3-3.99 Ex: Can describe process and4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.will not participate or follow rules.related but not use process.use to solve class projects.topic program and discuss.
Tx Accident Reports 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss form and start to complete3-3.99 Ex: Can complete forms and4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.with aid.discuss issues related.topic program and discuss.
Disaster Preps 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss preparation issues with3-3.99 Ex: Can complete projects4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.aid or assigned and discuss with others.topic program and discuss.
Explosives and Hazmat 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can understand process on2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss safety or issues related3-3.99 Ex: Can complete safety exam4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.topic but lacks comprehension.with aid or in team.and projects as assigned without aid.topic program and discuss.
National Security 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can understand process on2-2.99 Ex: Can discuss that they are important and3-3.99 Ex: Completes assignments4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.topic but lacks comprehension.have issues in Domestic Levels with Aid.and related works with others.topic program and discuss.
Technology in PS 0-1 Ex: Cannot or will not do topic work1-1.99 Ex: Can see process needed but2-2.99 Ex: Can talk about tech but not able to3-3.99 Ex: Can complete assignments4-Ex: Can show others how to use
or participate in exercises in class.needs aid to begin or complete.create alternatives.without aid and discuss.topic program and discuss.