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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Law One class Grading

Here is the scale for grading for this class:

Gradesheets for Law 1
0- Even with Aid cannnot comprehend, not trying1- With Aid can achieve 2-32- With occassional Aid can be 33-Comprehends subject matter4-Can use subject in other contexts
History of LE 0-1 Ex: Knows we have historical issues and designs.1-1.99 Ex: Knows the names and2-2.9 Ex: Knows why we have it and 3-3.9 Ex: Knows why we have it4-Ex.: Can use it to explain why history and laws 
can use 2-4 history issues as examples.can use 3-6 history issues examples.and can use examples to making a decision.are developed currently or historically.
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 0-1 Ex: Can speak but cannot explain1-1.99 Ex: Can speak and say information2-2.99 Ex: Can relate information but can3-3.9 Ex: Can explain information and see 4- Ex: Advanced understanding of verbal and
information or non-verbal responses.or can read non-verbal but not explain.only repeat or say it is non-verbal.non-verbal cues and verbalize it.non-verbal information and usage.
Critical Thinking 0-1 Ex: Can understand that advanced1-1.99 Ex: Can consider or try to use2-2.99 Ex: Can use critical thinking to a3-3.99 Ex: Can use critical thinking and4-Ex: Can use critical thinking and use
thinking is needed but cannot use.critical thinking about using but cannot always get there.make a valid decision with in an example in another topic.
Ethical Behavior Standards 0-1 Ez: Student can see that ethics is an issue1-1.99 Ex: Student can see and recognize2-2.99 Ex: Can understand standards for3-3-9 Ex: Can use the solutions to solve the4-Ex: Can use solutions in other topics and
and see pattern standard but not use it.ethic issue but needs aid to get standards.ethics but no apply for solutions.actual issue and complete thoughts.completely describe or share process.
Legal System for LE 0-1Ex: Student can recognize that there are1-1.99 Ex: Student can work with aid to2-2.99 Ex: Knows how to review legal issues3-3.99 Ex: Uses legal issues and solutions4- Ex: Can display advanced solutions to 
legal issues adressing LE.preview the issues and sees eval is needed.and is able to see solution with accordance with LE and set issues and relate solution in writing.
Custody and Interrogation 0-1 Ex: Student knows that custody/Int. has1-1.99 Ex: Student can work with custody/Int.2-2.99 Ex: Knows how to review the process3-3.99 Ex: Uses process to solve issues and4- Ex: Can discuss or show how to use
specific issues and processes.but needs assistance with usage.of custody and Int. to work on skills.knows the procedure for usage.the processes and explain it.
Criminal Law Analysis 0-1 Ex: Student can recognize that criminal1-1,99 Ex: Student can work with others 2-2.99 Ex: Knows how to use the laws to3-3.99 Ex: Uses critical thinking skills to4-Ex: Can use and discuss or write
laws need review and usage.or with aid to do an analysis of laws.recognize issues but not analysis.determine law issues today.out their explanations and process.
Victim and Witnesses 0-1 Ex: Students can see which is a victim1-1.99 Ex: Student works with others2-2.99 Ex: Knows how to take a report3-3.99 Ex: Student can document that they4-Ex: Can complete reports and verbal or 
and which is a witness but does not know do victim and witness process.from victim or witness but not complete.are able to complete reports as well.or orally present them.
Rights of Juvies 0-1 Ex: Students know age of Juveniles1-1.99 Ex: Student sees separation of2-2.9 Ex: Knows the separate rules3-3.99 Ex: Student can use separate rules4-Ex: Can complete processes in
but not separate processes.rules for juvies but not usage.but needs help to do usage.and can do examples.correct process and present it.
Child Abuse/Age Discrim. 0-1 Ex: Students know it exists but not1-1.99 Ex: Students know ages or the2-2.9 Ex: Knows how to use separate process3-3.9 Ex: Student can complete process or4-Ex: Can explain process in verbal
where the law applies.process but need aid to complete task.but needs assistance to complete task.comprehends the data for other uses.or written form.
Drug Addiction and Abuse 0-1 Ex: Student knows some drugs or1-1.99 Ex: Student knows about one2-2.99 Ex: Knows the issues and some3-3.99 Ex: Student can recognize and critically4-Ex: Can explain issues and seek
that they can be abused but not explain.topic but not the other.of the solutions or reports for issues.
Community Policing 0-1Ex: Student knows what a community1-1.99 Ex: Student knows the area they2-2.99 Ex: Knows issues in their community3-3.99 Ex: Student can recognize issues and4-Ex: Can explain issues and solve topic.
is and where they in and who is LE in that area.but not who can help with it.can use it in topic practice.while discussing higher levels.
Report Writing and Notes 0-1 Ex: Student tries to write notes1-1.99 Ex: Student does a report or2-2.99 Ex: Knows how to fill out reports and3-3.9 Ex: Student completes the reports and 4-Ex: Can explain report writing
or reports but does not complete.notes but not comprehensible.can complete with aid.can discuss notes or processes.issues and reasoning.
Reasonable and PC 0-1 Ex: Student does not get the PC issue1-1.99 Ex: Student gets PC but cannot2-2.99 Ex: Knows about PC or can define3-3.99 Ex: Student knows and explains in4-Ex: Can explain to others in verbal
and does not understand reasonable.use it in topic or activity.but has issues applying it to course.oral or written form PC usage.or writing to others.
Crime Scene Work 0-1 Ex: Knows there are rules and1-1.99 Ex: Can follow rules and has2-2.99 Ex: Knows about rules and can use3-3.99 Ex: Student does correct actions and4-Ex: Can explain process or shows others.
processes but not usage.working knowledge of process.them in a scene with aid.follows rules in scene.
Career Exploration- Death Row0-1 Ex: Knows that careers exist1-1.99 Ex: Can research but does2-2.99 Ex: Does research and project3-3.99 Ex: Student completes career project and 4-Ex: Can explain process and project to
but working with it is not being done.not tie it into projects.but does not complete effort.presentation is accepted with grade.others in class with examples.

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