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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Principles of Law Introduction Course Scale for Grading

Here is how you will be graded for this course:

Gradesheets for LPSCS
Example0- Even with Aid cannnot comprehend, not trying1- With Aid can achieve 2-32- With occassional Aid can be 33-Comprehends subject matter4-Can use subject in other contexts
Historical and Comprehension of Law0-1 Ex: Knows we have Constitution and.1-1.99 Ex: Knows the name and2-2.9 Ex: Knows why we have it and 3-3.9 Ex: Knows why we have it4-Ex.: Can use it to explain why laws 
Bill of Rights.can use 2-4 as examples.can use 3-6 examples.and can use it in making a deduction.and nation are developed currently.
Search and Seizure0-1 Ex: Knows how to recognize words1-1.99 Ex: Knows it is 4th but2-2.99 Ex: Knows that the 4th is right3-3.9 Ex: Knows law and warrants4-Ex: Can explain aloud law and warrants
without topic focus.cannot use it in example.and knows about warrants.and can talk about process or use.and can explain law of searching.
Career English Skills0-1 Ex: Writes only words.1-1.99 Ex: Writes 1-3 sentences.2-2.99 Ex: Writes a paragraph3-3.99 Ex: Paragraph or Page that is4-Ex: Complete or advanced
but not sure of topic. cohesive and shows beginning and ending.writing and comprehension of topic with references.
Post Sec. English Skills0-1 Ex: Knows that writing is needed for1-1.99 Ex:: Knows that writing and English2-2.99 Ex: Has reviewed a college or course3-3.99  Ex: Working on/ already reviewed the4- Ex: Has a career plan in place or has
future college.will be required in college or profession.that will be needed and what it will take for courses and has a plan (careercruis.)already applied for or planned for courses.
Career Math Knowledge 0-1 Ex: Knows and recognizes numbers1-1.99 Ex: Can recognize that it is2-2.99 Ex: Can recognize math process3-3.99 Ex: Does math process and achieves4-Ex: Correct action and can explain
and can see pattern.mathematical and requires action.and attempts to do process or ask for help.math answer aloud.
Post Sec. Math Knowledge0-1 Ex: Knows that it is needed for1-1.99 Ex: Knows that finance and math2-2.99 Ex: Has been reviewing college or AP courses3-3.99 Ex: Knows the courses needed and is able4-Ex: Has AP classes or will be taking
college.are needed in college and has reviewed it.and can see that they are in the identify and show a plan in place for them.them and has reviewed catalogues.
Career Science Knowledge 0-1 Ex: knows what is science in use.1-1.99 Ex: Knows or recognizes that it2-2.99 Ex: Can recognize science as process3-3.9 Ex: Completes science process or action4-Ex: Has advanced understanding of process
is a science process and needs action.and attempts to do action or asks for help.and completes with minimal assistance.and can explain aloud.
Communication and Interpretation 0-1 Ex: Can speak but cannot explain1-1.99 Ex: Can speak and say information2-2.99 Ex: Can relate information but can3-3.9 Ex: Can explain information and see 4- Ex: Advanced understanding of verbal and
   Skills Verbal and Non-Verbalinformation or non-verbal responses.or can read non-verbal but not explain.only repeat or say it is non-verbal.non-verbal cues and verbalize it.non-verbal information and usage.
Formalizing Ideas, Proposals, and  0-1 Ex: Can talk about subject but is1-1.99 Ex: Can speak about ideas and2.2.99 Ex: Can relate information about3-3.9 Ex: Can relate solutions that they are4-Ex: Advanced understanding of issues in LPSCS
      Solutions in CJnot connecting ideas and solutions to issues.sees solutions in CJ but may not connect them.ideas and proposals as well as seeing to create for issues in LPSCS.and the ability to find solutions that apply.
Legal Issues of Roles and Functions 0-1 Ex: Can talk about subject but is1-1.99 Ex: Can discuss role or function but2-2.99 Ex: Can relate how roles and functions work3-3.99 Ex: Can relate legal issues to the4-Ex: Can provide advanced descriptions
 not able to relate to roles and functions.not seeing legal applications.and begins to see legal issues.role and functions of LPSCS.of legal issues for today and future LPSCS fields.
Interagency Cooperation and Roles 0-1 Ex: Can see or talk about different1-1.99 Ex: Can discuss roles when agencies2.299 Ex: Can relate how roles and cooperation are3-3.99 Ex: Can relate roles and cooperative4-Ex: Can provide advanced cooperative
 agencies but does not see link between roles.interact but not cooperation techniques.needed but not able to relate techniques.regulations and process or roles and discuss alternative techniques.
History and Philosophy 0-1 Ex: Knows the titles of course areas1-1.99 Ex: Can recognize that topic 2-2.99 Ex: Can relate information from3-3.99 Ex: Can relate verbal and written4-Ex: Verbal or written examples of 6+
    PS, C, Ct, F, 911, Private covered by class.areas have different historical design.1-3 areas of history or philosophy design.2-6 examples of history or phil. Design.historical and phil design of topic areas.
Role and Function Recognition 0-1Ex: Knows 3-6 careers in LPSCS but1-1.99 Ex: Can recognize 5 or more2-2.99 Ex: Can recognize and name 5-83-3.99 Ex: Can name 7-10 careers and roles4-Ex: Verbal or written ability to
     PS, C, Ct, F, 911, Private does not know functions or but not the functions or and begins to see function or role.and connects the functions they provide.connect the roles and functions of 8+ careers.

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