Calendar for RRHS

See attached Link for AB Calendar:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Finals Week Dec 17-20

Students will have finals all week so please be sure that if they are missing anything, this is their chance to make it up.  Please check home access and see what the kids have due or are behind in.  The teachers are here and we will help facilitate the makeups.

Thanks to all the parents who sent in treats and snacks, they are very much appreciated.

Have a great Xmas and break....
Be safe and we will see you on January 7th.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Conneticut and kids

Please talk to your children about conneticut. Tell them you love them and hold them tight. This kind of thing is never okay but it is real. We are all teachers and we will keep them safe. Thanks to all the ones who were safe that day and acted. We cannot protect them from hearing this stuff but we will move on.  Real evil is not taking action to stop bad things. We will not let this be okay.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Finals are next week

Today 12-12-12 is a WOW make up day...

All Gifts are due for the Adopt a Family.

Next week the exams are listed:

Mon 12-17
3rd and 7th

Tues 12-18
1st and 5th No lunch

Wed 12-19
2nd and 6th No lunch

Thurs 12-20
4th and 8th No lunch

No school on Friday.  Enjoy the holidays.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Law Academy Challenge Dec 8

Students from Cedar Ridge HS and RRHS both competed in a Target Competition on Saturday.
Kids had a blast and we took Overall Winner Joe Bridendolph 10th grader, 11th grade was Sky
Mc Williams, and 10th grader was James Pelath.  Cedar Ridge won the 12th and 9th but we did

an awesome job.  Thanks guys....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Adopt a Family for Xmas

We have taken on three families in the Adopt a Family for Xmas.
Please consider looking for these items as you are shopping:


Barbie Items
Barbie Playhouse
Multi-Player Games
Iron Man toys
Play Dough
Mermaid toys
Ipod headphones
Music cards
HEB cards
Any gas cards
Any family items for new apartments

Students can get volunteer hours or homework excuses, just let me know.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week of Nov 26-30 for Law Classes

We are talking about and watching the Locked Up videos in Intro class.
Each class has gotten to try the Correction Cell removal in a safe place.

Law 1 and Law 2 are working on assignments for the disaster drill and doing
walk through discussions and project plans.

I will be out on Nov 30 as I am Guest Lecturing at Texas Lutheran College.

Students on Friday will be doing a movie, "Green Mile" and the Law 1
class will have a worksheet of definitions to complete.

Any questions please ask.

Alot of the kids are behind in work so if you see a 0 in a location for a grade,
that means I have posted an "M" for missing.  If the 0 is there the work is overdue.
I know that the parents cannot see the M so I wanted to explain what the process is.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 16 and Thanksgiving week

I will be out of class on Nov 16 Friday and students will be on with the sub.
I will be at the Career Fair for 9th Graders at Round Rock Higher Education Center.

Monday and Tuesday are the only days of school next week.

Intro has JLWOP Essay, Careercruising research sheets, and Fire Dept Homework due.
Law 1 has 3 Cues from "Lie to Me" that is overdue, Careercruising sheets, and Mugshots due.
Law 2 has 5 steps for planning crisis mgmt overdue, Careercruising sheets, and BTK true name due.

If you have any questions, please ask or shoot me an email at:

Students are allowed to submit homework or essays thru email as well.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012

We close out our second six weeks tomorrow the 9th so be sure that all assignments are in by then.

Intro class did Entry programs into Jail and Prison and will be doing Scared Straight film this next week.
Law 1 class did Fingerprinting and matching of cases and is moving on to Crime Scene Layouts.
Law 2 class is working on the Disaster Drill planning and Crowd Control Issues.

If there are any questions, just ask.

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

We are ending October and coming into November.  That means that the home work is due on Tuesday the 6th.  Intro- Police Dept, Salary, Employees  Law 1- Federal Judges Name  Law 2- Triad of Evil.

2nd Homework is due on the 20th.  Intro- Fire Dept, Salary, Employees  Law 1- Famous Person Mugshot   Law 2- Real name of BTK killer.

We are finishing up our 2nd Six weeks so all work is due ASAP so that it gets in for UIL and Athletic Competition Qualification.

Intro class is doing Corrections and Jail vs Prisons.
Law 1 is doing Interviews and Crime Scene Programs
Law 2 is doing Planning for Crime Scenes and Self Defense work.

Any questions, just ask.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Students studying Corrections and Juvie Law

We are doing Shawshank Redemption in the Intro classes to learn about prison history and prison rights.
Law 1 is working on Juveniles and Interviews.
Law 2 is creating a crimescene for the Intro class just prior to Thanksgiving.

Any questions please ask.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 22-26

This is Homecoming week for the kids...

In the Intro class we just finished Trials and are moving on to Sentencing in Texas Law.

Law 1 is presenting their Warrant Packets (Search Warrant, Practice Warrant, Arrest Report,
and Essay on Testifying).  We are starting on Timelines of the Law Enforcement era.

Law 2 will be dicussing Mental Illnesses and how it applies to the police work.  Mental Health
units will be investigated.

Homecoming is Friday against Henderson and this is also Red Ribbon Week.
Any Questions, please ask.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Toy Story 3 and Testimony

The Intro and the Law 2 classes will be trying Lotso from the Toy Story 3 Movie in a mock trial for :
Child Abuse, Toy Abuse, and Cruelty to Animals.  Should be fun as they will be the actors in the movie

Law 1 is finishing their Arrest and Warrant Packets and will also be testifying next week as the Arresting Officer in the case.

If you need anything, please ask.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Special Announcement

The Career and Technology Department at Round Rock High School has won a grant for doing a 2012
Disaster Drill involving the students in all of the CTE classes here at Round Rock.  Way to go staff and
Dragons.......thanks to the Partners in Education Grant Committee of Round Rock ISD.

Week of Oct 9th

On Tues October 9th I will be out of class with a field trip.  Students will be working
on their financial sheets and budgets.

We will be coming up on Budgets and Career Opportunities in Intro.
Homework is to find out a Police Department by size and starting pay.

Warrant Packets and Practicums for Law 1.
Homework is to find the name of a Federal Judge to sign a search warrant.

Hazmat and hazardous people and arrests for Law 2.
Homework is Triad of Serial Killings document.

All Homework is due no later than Nov. 20.

Please let me know if you need any other information.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Student's Work for 1st Six weeks

October 5 th Friday is the end of the first six weeks.  Be sure that your student has turned in all
assignments and especially the Parents Signature Letter or they will be doing extra book work
rather than learning from activities and films.  We are going quickly into the following areas:

Intro- Court Careers and Responsibilities
Law 1- Drug interactions and Arrest Procedures
Law 2- Narcotics Entry and Hazmat issues for arrests

Any question, please ask.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Law Academy Business Meeting

We are inviting local agencies and representatives to the Law Academy on Nov 20th at 9:30 am
for a short business meeting.  Any parents or folks that are involved in the community are welcome.
It will be in the classroom and it will be a time you can meet local business community leaders and workers who help shape the Academy and work with us to provide the best and most up to date Academy that is possible.  Feel free to come and visit with us and talk to the community.  We will be talking about the Academy and what we have planned for the future.  Any Questions let us know.

Room 943 at 9:30am,  we are on the corner of the Band building right across from the new 1100 building and Cafeteria.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Coming on Monday September 24-28

Intro Classes will be working on Careers in the Courtroom.
Law 1 will be working on Narcotics issues, and Ethics using Serpico as a visual plus the addition of national geographics studies videos on drug interactions.
Law 2 will be working on Ethics using Serpico and then on the Narcotics Raid issues and planning.

Kids will be active next week so any questions, please ask.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Career Cruising

We will all be working on Career Cruising this week.

Intro is researching careers in the fields of Law, Security, Corrections, and Fire

Law 1 is doing careers and Texas College programs that have the curriculum

Law 2 is doing what they are planning to be at, in, or doing in 2 years post graduation.

Any questions, just ask.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week for Sept 17

Intro is working on learning about 5th Amendment and Self Incrimination.  Law and Order episode had this one just right.
Law One is working on Miranda Rights and court cases that are related.
Law Two is working on Miranda Rights, Courts, and relationships of cases.

Any questions, please let me know.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Update for Sept 12

We are working on the following items in class:

Intro is working on Discussions about 4th Amendment (Search and Seizure)
Law One is working on Search and Seizure by Police and Security
Law Two is working on 5 places to search and 5 places you cannot as a team project, also had
time to work on SWAT team searching for Dallas.

Any questions just ask.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Open House September 10

Welcome to RRHS!

Intro is working on 9-11 issues and Career Danger in the Law and Safety fields.

Law One is working on the speed calculations with Distance and Time.

Law Two is working on the speed calculations with MPH versus FPS.

Any questions please ask.

Posters are up at Fire Department and should be up in Police Portable by tomorrow.
Thanks guys for the hard work.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bill of Rights Time

Intro Students are writing out the 1-10 Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights.  We are discussing them and practicing our essay answers.

Law 1 is discussing Bill of Rights and it's application in the field of Law.

Law 2 has been working on teams for SWAT training and did some handcuffing drills for a refresher.

We will be making 9-11-01 posters for local fire and police stations to be posted on Tues.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Upcoming Classes

In the Intro program we are working on Digital Fingerprints and the Laws about the technology.
Law 1 and 2 are working on Styles of Communications and how Culture can change what communication looks like.

Criminal Minds has an episode on Internet Stalking that is being viewed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Study in Class

Currently the Intro class is looking at how laws are written and why they make it or do not.  They are divided into groups and have to vote on laws that are proposed to others.

Law 1 will be working on rules and regulations and how they apply to Ethical Situations.

Law 2 will be working on Communication and Emotional Readings with communication.

We have been watching the video being proposed for the 8th grade counselors from last years Disaster Drill.

Any questions just ask.

Friday, August 24, 2012


BYOD is being applied this year.  What that means is that you can use your laptop, computer, iphone, android, or ipad when the teachers says it is okay.  You have to have your own data plan but if you do not the school will be giving passwords to the wifi here at school.  The number of passwords will be limited but we are moving into the technology age this year.  You may use your phone during the 1100 building lunch periods but please be respectful of the fact your friends may be in class and cannot answer.  You need to know that if you log on to the wifi with your device it will be open to the district restrictions and software blocks.

I am Dragon- is the Anti Bullying program that RRHS is using this year.  There will be a private texting and calling center for confidential reporting of bullying incidents without giving a name or number.

Any Questions just ask...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fish Camp is Today and Tomorrow

Please be sure that you come and get your ID and your books so you don't have to stand in line
on the first day back.  Check out the rules for BYOD- Bring your own Device rule for this year.

Any questions please ask.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Parent Letter-Homework 1

Here is the first Homework Assignment that is Due on Sept. 4th:

Welcome Parents and Students!  Your student has entered the Professional Studies Career Academy at Round Rock High School.  We will be working on all kinds of programs this year and I am presenting classes in Law and Safety for the 2012-2013 school year.  My goal is to find out what your student wants to learn and make it as interesting as possible while meeting what the State of Texas has set up as the Texas Education Knowledge Skills or (TEKS) for these courses. 
We will be reviewing very graphic novels and videos as well as attending the rifle range over the course of the year pertaining to the subjects we are studying.  Please be sure to sign for any student below who is not 18 or over at this time as required by RRISD policy.  I will post on the blog what videos we are using if you would like to keep track and their relationship to the course of study. They will have some homework and I will post a blog prior to giving the students the assignment so you can keep track of what is due but the majority of the class work will be in the classroom or on the campus grounds.
All students will need to bring:
A binder or Journal or Spiral notebook or folder to keep notes together in one place; Pencils and Pens as needed.
Teacher Schedule:
Monday to Friday            9am to 4pm        Classroom (or on) Duty, call for conference times  
Wednesday                        4pm to 6pm        Tutoring and or by appt.
Updates and Special Notes for classes will be made to:  (Homework warnings, Due dates, and Reading Lists)
Classroom Rules:
Students will not:  bully, harass, chew gum, usage of a phone, curse, or IPod during class.  Students will follow the RRISD and RRHS Rules of Conduct in addition to classroom rules.  Students will be reminded once during class time for violations unless it is a criminal offense.  Students agree to follow the Texas Penal Code and Laws of Texas or face removal from Courses.
Grading:  Homework, Essays, Practicum, Quizzes, and Exams will be posted in the grade book online at the beginning of the Six weeks.  There will be two assignments for each area, during each six weeks.
 See Blog for details about the class activities and upcoming events created for all Law classes.
Any questions?  Please ask.  We look forward to a great 2012-2013 Year for RRHS.

Parent Name  ________________________   Signature _____________________________

Student Name _______________________    Circle this statement if you are 18 or over.

RETURN TO TEACHER SIGNED BY Sept. 4, 2012 for grading as the first Homework Assignment in all courses.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Classes Starting in August 2012

I start back at RRHS on August 1, 2012 from 8-4.  If you need volunteer hours, check with me as the teachers always need help setting things back up from Summer.  Looking forward to a great year...see you guys soon.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Congrats to 2012 Graduates

Seniors are graduating, everybody is moving up a grade.
I hope 2012-2013 will be a good one.

Enjoy your summer everyone.

Waiting to hear about Teacher's Oscar's Tonight.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Final Exams are coming up

Graduation for Seniors is 8am Saturday, May 26 at Cedar Park Center.
Last day of school is May 25th.

No lunch is available on Weds-Friday during Finals so plan accordingly.

It has been a great year, see all of the rest of you in August, 2012.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday May 11th

Second Homeworks are due today.
Closing out Semester with Final Reviews and CPR.

Final Exam Schedule is out.
May 22 is 3rd/7th out at 4:08
May 23 is 1st/2nd out at 1:15
May 24 is 5th/6th out at 1:15
May 25 is 4th/8th out at 1:15

No lunches serves May 23-25 at school.

Any questions just ask.  Looking forward to a great summer and another year at RRHS.

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27 with One Month to go

Students in the classroom are all discussing the levels of Courtrooms in Texas and what they will and will not do as an Adult.  This is important as many of our students are or will be very quickly 17 or 18.

Students are practicing courtroom procedure for Adults to review this area.

Final Exams are May 22-25 with all classes ending on May 25.

Over the next several weeks we will be working on Review and Discussion about the year.
What can we do better?  What worked?  What should have worked?

Any questions, please ask.

PS April 27 first homework is due, May 11 is the second homework.

Monday, April 23, 2012

TAKS and STARR Testing Mon-Thursday

All High School Students will have TAKS or STARR Testing Mon-Thurs from 9:05 to 1:05pm.
Some students who are Seniors and Juniors will have alternating late start.  Please see the RRHS Homepage
for the exact list.

Mon-7th and 8th periods
Tues-1st and 2nd
Wed-5th and 6th
Thurs-3rd and 4th
Classes will run from 1:05-2:35 and 2:42-4:08.
Due to location, we will have C lunches from 1:59 to 2:35.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week of April 9-13

Intro and Advanced Law classes are working on the NIMS programs and details for the Disaster Drill for April 20, 2012 2nd Period on that Friday.  If you are free, come on by and watch.

This is an Anti-Drinking and Driving Program that will involved real CTE students in a real-life disaster drill of a car and a school bus crash.  Students will be working as Detectives, Security, EMS, First Aid, Crowd Management and many more aspects.  This event was sponsored by the Partners in Education grant from the RRISD Program.  Thanks for all the support across campus and we look forward to seeing you there.

9am set up for students; 10:30 am Fire Alarm Drill- starts the Disaster Drill, finish around 12, and clean up

I will post pictures as soon as they are ready.  Any questions just ask.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Busy week and end of Six weeks

This is a four day week with no school on Good Friday the 6th.

Principles of Law students are working on History of Law and Protective Services.
We have a power point and students will be researching historical figures in the services.

Law and Safety 1 are finishing up Testimony practice and will move into History of Law
making and then we jump into the Disaster Drill practice.

Law 2 is working on the mail invitation letters and a checklist for grading the students
while participating in the Disaster Drill.

Disaster Drill is on April 20 a Friday.  It is an A day.  We will be there 1st to 3rd periods.
See you there.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Students in LPSCS

Students in the Principles of Law course are watching Minority Report which is about a futuristic program that test the Constitutional Laws of Search and Seizure and Arrest Rights.  They will need to complete an essay on the following questions when it is completed:  Is this legally or ethically correct to do?  If we could should we do something like this (arrest criminals prior to the crime)?  and  Does this follow the law as it exist today in the Constitution or the State of Texas?

Any question, please ask.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Week of March 26-30, 2012

This week is moving fast already.  Freshmen are taking the STARR tests on Mon and Tuesday.
On Tuesday our 7th period class will have A lunch rather than C to accomodate this.

We are working on Interagency Responsibilities in Principles of Law and how they are
created and where they can go.

We are working on Courtroom Testimony with our Accident Reports from last week in Law 1 and 2.

Any questions, please ask.

Next week both courses will be doing the History of Criminal Justice reviews and looking at
overall completion for the course work.

Monday, March 19, 2012

After Spring Break

Welcome back to Law and Safety.

Students in the LPSCS classes will be doing Interagency Relationships and a Mystery Crime Scene.
Students in Law 1 and 2 will be working on completing the Accident Form for Texas.

Any questions just ask.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Financial Studies

All of the Law and Safety Courses are doing Financial work in class this week.

Principles is doing the Personal Budget worksheet.
Law 1 and 2 will be doing the Departmental worksheets.

They are making decisions about money, spending, not spending, and what it will cost them to do both.

Any questions please ask.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb 17th I will be out of class

I will be at the Skills USA program in Waco on Friday.

Classes will be working on the Careercruising website.

Passwords:  RRHS

Students will have a form to fill out on Budgets and will take a career from the website and
try to match their perfect job with the budget they will have to spend.  Budgets are due on Tues.
See you on Monday.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Col Rodriguez Safety Visit for Students 2-10-12

A special thanks to Colonel Rodriguez Retired Army for coming to class to talk about Safety in Driving.  Also thanks for bringing along two incredible cars.  Great Job guys......

Monday, February 6, 2012

Classes for Law and Safety Feb 6th

LPSCS is working on Crime Scene Design and Evidence Collection.  After completing this section they will be watching the "Cleaner" about a Crime Scene Tech.  Students will be collecting fingerprints, hairs, and fibers while learning techniques of searching.

Law 1 will be working on the Definition and Jobs in the area of Morgues and Death Investigators.
We will be using "Dr G" as our guide from "How Stuff Works" and her own show "Dr G Medical Examiner".
They also will be working on how to collect footprints and impressions.

Law 2 is working on a radio call designation list and creating the Disaster Drill Protocals.

Just Ask if I missed anything....

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week of Jan 30th, 2012

Currently in LPSCS we are working on our futuristic tool project and talking about Ethics in everyday life and police work.  We are watching "Training Day" in conjunction with the theme.

Law 1 and Law 2 will be working on completing our NIMS training for now and starting on
Science in Criminal Justice.

Any questions, please ask.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Teachers Schedule for Jan to May 2012

I know I have posted it before but wanted to be sure that everyone knows where and when we are in the class so here is my schedule.

A Days 1st, 2nd, and 4th in the classroom 943 for Intro to Law and Safety
B Days 5th for Intro to Law and Safety and 7 and 8 for Law 1 and 2.
Tutoring on Wed from 4-6 when needed.

Don't forget we have the volunteer group also where students can attend events for
Volunteer credits for graduation recognition.

I can be reached best by email at
Class phone is 464-6059

January Updates

Homework is as assigned:
Intro- Name of a Security Career due Jan 13, Name of two Security Companys due Jan 27
Law 1- Name the three types of warrants due Jan 13, Name a NIMS program participant due Jan 27
Law 2- NIMS program directions due Jan 13, NIMS design chart due Jan 27

We are working on the following in class:
Intro- Fire and Private Security and moving on to Physical Fitness issues.
Law 1 and Law 2- NIMS design and disaster management

Intro class just finished up with Backdraft the Movie and will be moving on to do a
Fire Inspection of the Campus in the coming days.
Law 1 and 2 are working to organize teams for Disaster Drill scheduled for April 20th.

Any questions just ask.....